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  1. We have investigated the possibility and feasibility of producing the HPV-11 L1 major capsid protein in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia and Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi as potential sources for a...

    Authors: Thomas O Kohl, Inga I Hitzeroth, Neil D Christensen and Edward P Rybicki
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:56
  2. Bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria are commonly used as natural protective cultures. Among them, strains of the genus Pediococcus are particularly interesting for their ability to produce pediocin, a broa...

    Authors: Sophie Mathys, Ueli von Ah, Christophe Lacroix, Ernö Staub, Raffaella Mini, Tania Cereghetti and Leo Meile
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:55
  3. Immobilized Penicillin G Acylase (PGA) derivatives are biocatalysts that are industrially used for the hydrolysis of Penicillin G by fermentation and for the kinetically controlled synthesis of semi-synthetic ...

    Authors: Davide A Cecchini, Immacolata Serra, Daniela Ubiali, Marco Terreni and Alessandra M Albertini
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:54
  4. Wax esters are important ingredients in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, lubricants and other chemical industries due to their excellent wetting property. Since the naturally occurring wax esters are expensive and ...

    Authors: Mahiran Basri, Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman, Afshin Ebrahimpour, Abu Bakar Salleh, Erin Ryantin Gunawan and Mohd Basyaruddin Abd Rahman
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:53
  5. The ability to acquire fully human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with pre-defined specificities is critical to the development of molecular tags for the analysis of receptor function in addition to promising im...

    Authors: Li-Te Chin, Chishih Chu, Han-Min Chen, Shu-Ching Hsu, Bor-Chun Weng and Chi-Hong Chu
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:51
  6. The quality of chemically synthesized oligonucleotides falls with the length of the oligonucleotide, not least due to depurinations and premature termination during production. This limits the use of long olig...

    Authors: Jakob S Lohmann, Magnus Stougaard and Jørn Koch
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:49
  7. As a new class of therapeutic and diagnostic reagents, more than fifteen years ago RNA and DNA aptamers were identified as binding molecules to numerous small compounds, proteins and rarely even to complete pa...

    Authors: Andreas Nitsche, Andreas Kurth, Anna Dunkhorst, Oliver Pänke, Hendrik Sielaff, Wolfgang Junge, Doreen Muth, Frieder Scheller, Walter Stöcklein, Claudia Dahmen, Georg Pauli and Andreas Kage
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:48
  8. Promoters with tissue-specificity are desirable to drive expression of transgenes in crops to avoid accumulation of foreign proteins in edible tissues/organs. Several photosynthetic promoters have been shown t...

    Authors: Carole L Bassett, Ann M Callahan, Timothy S Artlip, Ralph Scorza and Chinnathambi Srinivasan
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:47
  9. Phage display antibody libraries have been made from the lymphocytes of patients suffering from autoimmune diseases in which the antibodies are known to play a role in the pathogenesis or are important for the...

    Authors: Roberto Di Niro, Federica Ziller, Fiorella Florian, Sergio Crovella, Marco Stebel, Marco Bestagno, Oscar Burrone, Andrew RM Bradbury, Paola Secco, Roberto Marzari and Daniele Sblattero
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:46
  10. Expression of higher eukaryotic genes as soluble, stable recombinant proteins is still a bottleneck step in biochemical and structural studies of novel proteins today. Correct identification of stable domains/...

    Authors: Yunjia Chen, Shihong Qiu, Chi-Hao Luan and Ming Luo
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:45
  11. Since prion gene-knockout mice do not contract prion diseases and animals in which production of prion protein (PrP) is reduced by half are resistant to the disease, we hypothesized that bovine animals with re...

    Authors: Shizuyo Sutou, Miho Kunishi, Toshiyuki Kudo, Pimprapar Wongsrikeao, Makoto Miyagishi and Takeshige Otoi
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:44
  12. Swine is an important agricultural commodity and biomedical model. Manipulation of the pig genome provides opportunity to improve production efficiency, enhance disease resistance, and add value to swine produ...

    Authors: Karl J Clark, Daniel F Carlson, Linda K Foster, Byung-Whi Kong, Douglas N Foster and Scott C Fahrenkrug
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:42
  13. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated by the expression of short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) has emerged as a powerful experimental tool for reverse genetic studies in mammalian cells. A number of recent reports have des...

    Authors: Krzysztof Pluta, William Diehl, Xian-Yang Zhang, Robert Kutner, Agnieszka Bialkowska and Jakob Reiser
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:41
  14. The zebrafish Danio rerio is an important model system for drug discovery and to study cardiovascular development. Using a laser-scanning confocal microscope, we have developed a non-invasive method of measuring ...

    Authors: Michael H Malone, Noah Sciaky, Lisa Stalheim, Klaus M Hahn, Elwood Linney and Gary L Johnson
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:40
  15. The simultaneous production of various recombinant proteins in every cell of a culture is often needed for the production of virus-like particles (VLP) or vectors for gene therapy. A common approach for such a...

    Authors: Jimmy A Mena, Octavio T Ramírez and Laura A Palomares
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:39
  16. A hallmark of prion disease is the transformation of normal cellular prion protein (PrPc) into an infectious disease-associated isoform, (PrPsc). Anti-prion protein monoclonal antibodies are invaluable for str...

    Authors: Michela Flego, Alessandro Ascione, Silvia Zamboni, Maria L Dupuis, Valentina Imperiale and Maurizio Cianfriglia
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:38
  17. Genetically encoded sensors developed on the basis of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-like proteins are becoming more and more popular instruments for monitoring cellular analytes and enzyme activities in livi...

    Authors: Ekaterina A Souslova, Vsevolod V Belousov, John G Lock, Staffan Strömblad, Sergey Kasparov, Alexey P Bolshakov, Vsevolod G Pinelis, Yulii A Labas, Sergey Lukyanov, Lorenz M Mayr and Dmitriy M Chudakov
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:37
  18. Archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues have limited utility in applications involving analysis of gene expression due to mRNA degradation and modification during fixation and processing. This...

    Authors: Jinghuan Li, Paul Smyth, Richard Flavin, Susanne Cahill, Karen Denning, Sinead Aherne, Simone M Guenther, John J O'Leary and Orla Sheils
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:36
  19. Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is well characterized to induce cellular antitumoral immunity by activation of NK-cells and T-lymphocytes. However, systemic administration of recombinant human IL-12 resulted in severe ...

    Authors: Holger Wulff, Thorsten Krieger, Karen Krüger, Ingrid Stahmer, Friedrich Thaiss, Hansjörg Schäfer and Andreas Block
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:35
  20. Nowadays, the focus in metabolic engineering research is shifting from massive overexpression and inactivation of genes towards the model-based fine tuning of gene expression. In this context, the construction...

    Authors: Marjan De Mey, Jo Maertens, Gaspard J Lequeux, Wim K Soetaert and Erick J Vandamme
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:34
  21. Accurate, rapid, and economic on-line analysis of ethanol is very desirable. However, available biosensors achieve saturation at very low ethanol concentrations and thus demand the time and labour consuming pr...

    Authors: Kostyantyn V Dmytruk, Oleh V Smutok, Olena B Ryabova, Galyna Z Gayda, Volodymyr A Sibirny, Wolfgang Schuhmann, Mykhailo V Gonchar and Andriy A Sibirny
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:33
  22. The overproduction of recombinant proteins in host cells often leads to their misfolding and aggregation. Previous attempts to increase the solubility of recombinant proteins by co-overproduction of individual...

    Authors: Ario de Marco, Elke Deuerling, Axel Mogk, Toshifumi Tomoyasu and Bernd Bukau
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:32
  23. Many structural biology- and high-throughput laboratories experience the acquisition of multiple cDNAs from different sources as a rather time- and resource-consuming procedure. The techniques presented here s...

    Authors: Daniel Frey, Christian Kambach, Michel O Steinmetz and Rolf Jaussi
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:31
  24. Immune-mediated rejection of labeled cells is a general problem in transplantation studies using cells labeled with any immunogenic marker, and also in gene therapy protocols. The aim of this study was to esta...

    Authors: Kathrin I Odörfer, Nina J Unger, Karin Weber, Eric P Sandgren and Reinhold G Erben
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:30
  25. The detection of unknown mutations is important in research and medicine. For this purpose, a mismatch-specific endonuclease CEL I from celery has been established as a useful tool in high throughput projects....

    Authors: Maxim Pimkin, Elena Caretti, Adrian Canutescu, Jeffrey B Yeung, Heather Cohn, Yibai Chen, Catherine Oleykowski, Alfonso Bellacosa and Anthony T Yeung
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:29
  26. Biologically relevant molecular markers can be used in evaluation of the physiological state of an organism in biotechnical processes. We monitored at high frequency the expression of 34 marker genes in batch,...

    Authors: Jari J Rautio, Michael Bailey, Teemu Kivioja, Hans Söderlund, Merja Penttilä and Markku Saloheimo
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:28
  27. Codon usage differences are known to regulate the levels of gene expression in a species-specific manner, with the primary factors often cited to be mRNA processing and accumulation. We have challenged this co...

    Authors: Brian C Geyer, Samuel P Fletcher, Tagan A Griffin, Michael J Lopker, Hermona Soreq and Tsafrir S Mor
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:27
  28. There are no published studies on stem cells from equine cord blood although commercial storage of equine cord blood for future autologous stem cell transplantations is available. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) ...

    Authors: Thomas G Koch, Tammy Heerkens, Preben D Thomsen and Dean H Betts
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:26
  29. Molecular hydrogen is an environmentally-clean fuel and the reversible (bi-directional) hydrogenase of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 as well as the native Escherichia coli hydrogenase 3 hold great...

    Authors: Toshinari Maeda, Gönül Vardar, William T Self and Thomas K Wood
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:25
  30. Targeted mutagenesis of the herpesvirus genomes has been facilitated by the use of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology. Such modified genomes have potential uses in understanding viral pathogenesi...

    Authors: Falko Schmeisser and Jerry P Weir
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:22
  31. The ability to accurately measure patterns of gene expression is essential in studying gene function. The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) has become the method of choice for the detect...

    Authors: Fadia Haddad, Anqi X Qin, Julie M Giger, Hongyan Guo and Kenneth M Baldwin
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:21
  32. Angiogenesis assays are important tools for the identification of regulatory molecules and the potential development of therapeutic strategies to modulate neovascularization. Although numerous in vitro angioge...

    Authors: Bastien Hermant, Agnès Desroches-Castan, Marie-Laure Dubessay, Marie-Hélène Prandini, Philippe Huber and Daniel Vittet
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:20
  33. In protein drug development, in vitro molecular optimization or protein maturation can be used to modify protein properties. One basic approach to protein maturation is the introduction of random DNA mutations in...

    Authors: George Kopsidas, Rachael K Carman, Emma L Stutt, Anna Raicevic, Anthony S Roberts, Mary-Anne V Siomos, Nada Dobric, Luisa Pontes-Braz and Greg Coia
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:18
  34. Embryonated chicken eggs have been used since the mid-20th century to grow a wide range of animal viruses to high titers. However, eggs have found so far only limited use in the production of recombinant prote...

    Authors: Teresa Corral, Lorena S Ver, Geneviève Mottet, Olga Cano, Blanca García-Barreno, Lesley J Calder, John J Skehel, Laurent Roux and José A Melero
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:17
  35. Altering a protein's function by changing its sequence allows natural proteins to be converted into useful molecular tools. Current protein engineering methods are limited by a lack of high throughput physical...

    Authors: Jun Liao, Manfred K Warmuth, Sridhar Govindarajan, Jon E Ness, Rebecca P Wang, Claes Gustafsson and Jeremy Minshull
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:16
  36. A goal for the food industry has always been to improve strains of Lactococcus lactis and stabilize beneficial traits. Genetic engineering is used extensively for manipulating this lactic acid bacterium, while el...

    Authors: Maria Papagianni, Nicholaos Avramidis and George Filioussis
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:15
  37. The connection of the variable part of the heavy chain (VH) and and the variable part of the light chain (VL) by a peptide linker to form a consecutive polypeptide chain (single chain antibody, scFv) was a bre...

    Authors: Michael Hust, Thomas Jostock, Christian Menzel, Bernd Voedisch, Anja Mohr, Mariam Brenneis, Martina I Kirsch, Doris Meier and Stefan Dübel
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:14
  38. Bacteriophage infections of bacterial cultures cause serious problems in genetic engineering and biotechnology. They are dangerous not only because of direct effects on the currently infected cultures, i.e. th...

    Authors: Marcin Łoś, Piotr Golec, Joanna M Łoś, Anna Węglewska-Jurkiewicz, Agata Czyż, Alicja Węgrzyn, Grzegorz Węgrzyn and Peter Neubauer
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:13
  39. Plants may represent excellent alternatives to classical heterologous protein expression systems, especially for the production of biopharmaceuticals and vaccine components. Modern vaccines are becoming increa...

    Authors: Carla Marusic, James Nuttall, Giampaolo Buriani, Chiara Lico, Raffaele Lombardi, Selene Baschieri, Eugenio Benvenuto and Lorenzo Frigerio
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:12
  40. Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) is an economically important soft fruit crop with polyploid genome which complicates the breeding of new cultivars. For certain traits, genetic engineering offers a potential alte...

    Authors: Kati J Hanhineva and Sirpa O Kärenlampi
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:11
  41. Dengue is a public health problem of global significance for which there is neither an effective antiviral therapy nor a preventive vaccine. It is a mosquito-borne viral disease, caused by dengue (DEN) viruses...

    Authors: Saima Khanam, Pilankatta Rajendra, Navin Khanna and Sathyamangalam Swaminathan
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:10
  42. Despite several effective treatment options available for prostate cancer, it remains the second leading cause of cancer death in American men. Thus, there is a great need for new treatments to improve outcome...

    Authors: Jan Woraratanadharm, Semyon Rubinchik, Hong Yu and John Y Dong
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:9
  43. Environmental ozone can rapidly degrade cyanine 5 (Cy5), a fluorescent dye commonly used in microarray gene expression studies. Cyanine 3 (Cy3) is much less affected by atmospheric ozone. Degradation of the Cy...

    Authors: William S Branham, Cathy D Melvin, Tao Han, Varsha G Desai, Carrie L Moland, Adam T Scully and James C Fuscoe
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:8
  44. Recombinant antibodies from Camelidae (VHHs) are potentially useful tools for both basic research and biotechnological applications because of their small size, robustness, easy handling and possibility to ref...

    Authors: Aurelien Olichon, Daniel Schweizer, Serge Muyldermans and Ario de Marco
    Citation: BMC Biotechnology 2007 7:7

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