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Fig. 1 | BMC Biotechnology

Fig. 1

From: The antibacterial activity and mechanism of ginkgolic acid C15:1

Fig. 1

Effect of GA (C15:1) on GFP fluorescence in bacteria. Three independent experiments were conducted (n = 3); the error bars indicate one standard error. Three individual tubes were collected from LB plates, and each tube was performed in triplicate. Each bar in the gram represents means of three individual tubes (mean + − non-log transfoemed SE.). a: Bacteria were incubated at 30 °C for 1 min before GFP fluorescence was measured.10 μL of DMSO without the drug was used as a control. The blank was the E. coli bacteria solution without GFP. One-way ANOVA was used for analyzing the data (F7,16 = 656.9 P < 0.001(SQR9-gfp); F7,16 = 0.208 P > 0.05(DH5α-gfp); F7,16 = 0.357 P > 0.05 (KT2440-gfp)); (b) Bacteria were incubated at 30 °C for 4 h before GFP fluorescence was measured. 10 μL of DMSO without the drug was used as a control. The blank was the E. coli bacteria solution without GFP. One-way ANOVA was used for analyzing the data (F7,16 = 0.178 P > 0.05(DH5α-gfp); F7,16 = 1.412 P > 0.05 (KT2440-gfp))

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