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Figure 5 | BMC Biotechnology

Figure 5

From: Gene expression analysis on small numbers of invasive cells collected by chemotaxis from primary mammary tumors of the mouse

Figure 5

The RNA from 200 and 400 cells is of equal amount and quality of RNA purified by conventional methods. Figure 5A: Total RNA isolated from microneedle collected cells was checked using Agilent Bioanalyzer and RNA 6000 Pico kit. The size distribution and rRNA ratio (28S/18S = 2.7) indicates good intactness of RNA sample. Figure 5B: A standard curve was generated for the CT value of a known quantity of RNA from a specific cell number using the β-actin primers for real-time PCR. The RNA from 200 and 400 cells were amplified by the SMART PCR method and run identically by real-time PCR. The CT values for the amplified RNA fall on the curve showing that the appropriate amount of the house keeping gene is present in the amplified sample. The CT values for the amplified samples are designated by the red asterisks.

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