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Table 1 Yield of pure and combined extract of studied species

From: Green and environmentally friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles with antibacterial properties from some medicinal plants


standard deviation ± mean

A. wilhelmsii

7.66 b ± 0.01

M. chamomilla

11.108 a ± 0.03

C. longa

2.614 e ± 0.00 

A. wilhelmsii+ M. chamomilla

5.83 c ± 0.03 

A. wilhelmsii+ C. longa

3.435 d ± 0.03

M. chamomilla+ C. longa

1.055 f ± 0.02

A. wilhelmsii+ M.chamomilla+ C. longa

2.715 e±0.02

  1. Different letters in each column indicate significant differences based on Duncan's multiple range test at the 5% error level