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Fig. 5 | BMC Biotechnology

Fig. 5

From: Greenhouse test of spraying dsRNA to control the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, infesting hot peppers

Fig. 5

Enhancement of insecticidal activity by liposome formation of dsRNA against F. occidentalis. The ‘Control’ treatment represents plain dsRNA without any formulation. Liposome formation (‘+ Metafectene’) used a lipofectin reagent, metafectene, in a 1:1 volume ratio mixture with the dsRNA suspension (Grade 1). ‘+EDTA’ represents the addition of 3% EDTA to the dsRNA suspension. All dsRNA treatments used a feeding assay at the dose of 500 ppm. A viral gene CpBV302 was used as the control dsRNA. Mortality was assessed at 7 days after treatment (DAT) and corrected by the mortality of control treatment obtained by feeding the control dsRNA. Each treatment used 10 individuals and was replicated three times. The letters above the standard deviation bars indicate significant differences among the means at Type I error = 0.05 (LSD test)

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