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Table 3 Kinetic data for pNP production using NADPH for WT BM3 and the DE mutant

From: Oleic acid based experimental evolution of Bacillus megaterium yielding an enhanced P450 BM3 variant




kpNP (min−1)

88 ± 13.9

256 ± 8

kNADPH (min−1)

122 ± 53.4

588 ± 92.4

Coupling ratio (%)



  1. kpNP and kcofactor are the turnover frequencies for, respectively, the production pNP from the substrate 10-pNCA in the presence of cofactors and the consumption of cofactors in the presence of 10-pNCA at the oxidase domain. Data for the catalytic constants were extracted from the slope of concentration with respect to time, obtained between t = 10 s and 20 s. Data are presented as means ± SD where n = 3