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Table 2 Comparison of rHTTP method with other reported methods of quick plant DNA extraction

From: Rapid high throughput template preparation (rHTTP) method: a novel cost effective method of direct PCR for a wide range of plants


Rapid One Step Extraction (ROSE) method (Steiner et al., 1995)

Sucrose Prep Method (Berendzen et al. 2005)

NaOH Method (Wang et al., 1993)

NaOH Method (Satya et al. 2013)

NaOH Method (Wang et al., 2015)

rHTTP method (Present study)

Type and form of plant material

Lyophilized plant tissue

Fresh tissue

Young tissue

Fresh tissue

Fresh tissue

Fresh/old tissue

Liquid nitrogen







Extraction/lysis buffer

Tris-HCl, EDTA, Sodium Sarkosyl sulfate, PVPP

Tris-HCl, NaCl, Sucrose

NaOH, Tris





Lyophilizer, Shaker, hybridization Oven/ Water bath

Water Bath/Thermal cycler, Centifuge, grinding assembly/Mortar pestle

Grinding assembly/ Mortar-pestle

Grinding assembly/ Mortar-pestle, Centrifuge

Grinding assembly/ Mortar-pestle/ centrifuge

Thermal cycler/hot plate/any means to boil water

Duration to make templates for PCR (as per original publication)

~ 45 min after lyophilization

~ 15 min

Should not be more than 10 min

10–12 min

5 min

10 min

Actual time required to process five samples at a time


59 min

(11.8 min per sample)

*For larger number of samples time will increase proportionately due to grinding

31 min

(6.2 min per sample)

*For larger number of samples time will increase proportionately due to grinding

65 min

(13 min per sample)

*For larger number of samples time will increase proportionately due to grinding

29 min

(5.8 min per sample)

*For larger number of samples time will increase proportionately due to grinding

12.5 min

(2.5 min per sample)

*For larger number of samples, the time will remain almost same as there is no grinding or maceration. The time will be 10 min plus time required for pipetting 100 μl lysis buffer