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Figure 1 | BMC Biotechnology

Figure 1

From: In planta production of ELPylated spidroin-based proteins results in non-cytotoxic biopolymers

Figure 1

Expression of spidroin-based fusion proteins (VSO1) n -100xELP in transgenic tobacco plants. A) Protein sequence of VSO1 and schematic representation of the plant expression cassette for (VSO1)n-100 × ELP. In the protein sequence, repetitive motifs are highlighted in red and blue. Heterologous expression of synthetic spidroin (VSO1)n fused to 100 repeats of elastin-like peptide (100xELP) was controlled by the CaMV 35S promoter. SP: legumin B4 signal peptide; KDEL: ER retention signal; c-myc: detection tag. B) Immunoblot of leaf extracts from transgenic tobacco expressing spider silk fusion proteins of different sizes. Samples of 5 μg of total soluble protein were applied to the gel and separated by 8% SDS-PAGE, blotted and detected with an anti-c-myc antibody. WT: wild type N. tabacum cv. SNN. C+: 1 ng c-myc immunoblot standard anti-TNF-VHH-100xELP.

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