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Figure 2 | BMC Biotechnology

Figure 2

From: Efficient, chemoselective synthesis of immunomicelles using single-domain antibodies with a C-terminal thioester

Figure 2

Characterization of the single-domain antibody purification using SDS-PAGE and LC-MS. (A) Expression and purification of the sdAb-aGST as intein fusion protein and subsequent generation of the C-terminal MESNA thioester via chitin affinity chromatography and intein mediated cleavage. (B) LC-MS analysis of the elution fraction of the chitin column. Top left panel: chromatogram; Top right and bottom panels: deconvoluted mass spectra of peaks 1, 2 and 3. (pelB: sdAb-aGST-MESNA with pelB leader attached (calcd. mass 19632 Da);pelBΔ1: sdAb-aGST-MESNA with the first amino acid of the pelB leader removed (calcd. mass 19501 Da); pelBΔ14: sdAb-aGST-MESNA with the first 14 amino acid of the pelB leader removed (calcd. mass 18175 Da); pelBΔ15: sdAb-aGST-MESNA with the first 15 amino acid of the pelB leader removed (calcd. mass 18062 Da); DnaK (calc. mass 68983 Da)).

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