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Figure 5 | BMC Biotechnology

Figure 5

From: Simplified approaches for the development of an ELISA to detect circulating autoantibodies to p53 in cancer patients

Figure 5

ELISA experiment with sera from lung cancer patients. Two negative sera and two positive sera for producing p53 autoantibody proven by Western blot analysis (as shown in Figure 4) at 1:200 dilution were subjected to react with the purified (His)6-p53 recombinant proteins at concentration of 0, 1 and 3 μg/ml immobilized onto un-modified microplate along with crude lysate containing (His)6-p53 fusion protein (A), or crude lysate containing (His)6-p53 recombinant proteins directly immobilized onto nickel coated microplate at concentration of 0, 100, 200 μg/ml along with negative cell lysate control from pET15b(+) empty vector transformed cells (B), and crude lysate containing biotinylated p53-BCCP fusion proteins immobilized onto avidin-coated microplate at concentration of 0, 100, 200 μg/ml along with biotinylated CD147-BCCP containing cell lysate as a negative control (C) Experiment was done in triplicate and error bar represent standard deviation.

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